Never Stop Learning!

One of the greatest skills you can acquire to be teachable. I’ve heard it said that, “True leaders are teachable.” And I know this is the way to be successful in many areas of life, and especially as it pertains to being a writer and having a successful Christian marriage.

My friend, Tonya, and I were able to spend the weekend learning from Lynn Vincent, New York Times Best Selling Author. If you haven’t read any of her books, you may have seen one that was made into a movie… she’s got a lot of wisdom to share. We were able to chat with her, and then listen in to several talks about her experiences and insights into where our writing focus should be.

She also wrote an article about Ron and me in WORLD Magazine several years ago. She profiled our marriage as it relates to the church and how adultery is not often spoken of in church, yet is is the cause of many divorces. I think it should be addressed from the pulpit and couples would benifit from honest teachings about the temptations in the workplace and on the internet, and how to safeguard our marriages.


watching Lynn Vincent speakcreative conference for christian writers and speakers

The week following that conference, Ron and I were able to attend the Marriage Mentoring Conference at my Alma Mater, Biola University!

teaching to be teachable

Something catchy about what you learn….


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